The coating has a slight tint. Although it appears somewhat matte when first applied, it dries clear within 24 hours and reaches full clarity after 30 days.
The coating typically feels dry within 24 hours, but it should not be touched for at least 7 days. The coating should not be cleaned for 30 days.
It is applied using specially designed rollers. These rollers are weighed before and after application to ensure that the correct amount of coating is applied to the surface.
The coating is not fully funded, but there are schemes available from various sources. We can advise you on where to obtain these vouchers.
UK universities and trade organizations have shown that you can save up to 30% on your heating bill. This can be achieved on a standard glazed property. Savings may vary depending on the amount of glazing. Some commercial properties have over 50% glazing, where the savings can be much larger.
Tests show that the coating lasts at least 15 years, with a factory warranty of 10 years.
The cost depends on how much glazing your property has and the number of frames and details on the windows. Typically, a semi-detached 3-bedroom house will cost around €2000.00 to insulate all windows and doors.
After 30 days, the coating will be hard, at which point it will have high durability, comparable to that of glass itself.
Most homes are completed in one day. On a commercial basis, one team (two people) will complete around 20m² per day.
We recommend vacuuming the evening before and ensuring that the window sills are clear and dust-free.
Aside from moving a few items on the day, the disruption is minimal, and everything will be back to normal within 24 hours.
Our assessor will examine your sample during the visit and make a few recommendations.
The table below shows the results from tests on typical single and double glazing, before and after the application of the coating.
The coating can be applied to both the inside and outside of a window. We will assess what is best for your property after inspection.
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The coating is completely transparent. Although it appears somewhat matte when first applied, it dries clear within 1 hour, and the coating reaches full strength and becomes resistant to moisture and dirt after 24 hours.
The coating usually feels dry within 1 hour, depending on the weather. When the ambient temperature is higher or there is sunlight, the product will dry within 10 minutes.
It is applied using specially designed rollers. These rollers are weighed before and after application to ensure that the correct amount of coating is applied to the surface.
It is applied using a specially designed microfiber cloth or sprayed on. The cloth is weighed before and after application to ensure the correct amount of coating is applied to the surface.
The coating is not fully funded, but there are various funding schemes available from different sources. We can advise you on where to obtain these vouchers.
Research from British universities and trade organizations shows that you can achieve up to 30% more yield from your solar panels.
The cost depends on the number of solar panels on your property. The payback period is between 1 to 2 years, depending on your energy contract and the location of your property. You can also request a quote via the following link: [Contact]
After 24 hours, the coating will be fully hardened. At this point, it will have high durability, with a rating comparable to the glass or plastic itself
Most homes are completed in half a day, depending on the accessibility of the panels.
We recommend vacuuming the evening before and ensuring that the window sills are clear and dust-free.
Aside from moving a few items on the day, the disruption is minimal, and everything will be back to normal within 24 hours.
Aside from moving a few items on the day, the disruption is minimal, and everything will be back to normal within 24 hours.
Yield improvements of up to 30% are possible after the coating is applied, depending on the location of the panels.
Iso Coat is a painted or sprayed insulation that contains microscopic ceramic microbeads. These vacuum-hollow balls are made from high-temperature melted ceramics. It is used for residential and industrial insulation applications and can be applied both indoors and outdoors.
Based on laboratory tests and experience with installed projects, we expect a 40% improvement in the U-value (heat loss) performance of the installation.
The thicker the coating, the higher the final performance. However, a wet coating of 2 mm (approximately 1.6 mm when dry) based on 2 spray applications should be sufficient.
The ceramic insulation coating can be easily painted or sprayed and serves two purposes: it reflects the sun in the summer, keeping the interior cool, and in winter, it prevents heat loss through the walls and keeps the interior warm. It can be used for many applications, including:
Iso Coat is one of the thinnest insulation methods available. It is non-toxic, quick to apply, and can be used both indoors and outdoors. It can be repainted or coated, depending on our recommendations for suitable products. It is highly cost-effective and fast to apply.
The coating can be applied to virtually any surface: concrete, brick, insulation material, metal, glass, etc. It can be directly applied to exterior walls and roofs, interior walls, or on plaster and cement or similar boards for use in SFS constructions or external cladding systems.